Tomer Brisker
Tomer is currently the release manager of the Foreman project. He has been an active contributor and maintainer of the project for over 5 years as part of his job as a Software Engineer at Red Hat.

Another year, another CfgMgmt community update. I'll be going over what's new, what changed, and what our plans might look like for the future
Foreman will be holding its usual Foreman Construction Day on Wednesday 5th February 2020, right after CfgMgmtCamp. Please join us!
The aim is to build upon on the previous 2-4 days of talks and discussions, and put it to use! We’re open to all members of our community, such as
New users looking for help getting started with Foreman
Users looking to start contributing
Code contributors to any of the core projects
UX design / improvement
Plugin authors (new or existing plugins)
Translators / documentors
This is a great opportunity to get (more) involved in the community, and spend some face-to-face hack time with other Foreman devs. Hope to see you there!