Shira Maximov
I am a Member of the Forman development team For two years, my main focus is on Hammer and Compute Resources, such as oVirt and Kubevirt.
Before that, I was A Quality Engineer at Redhat, and I worked on oVirt product, for three years.

Creating API and CLI for Foreman Kubevirt Compute Resource
Shira Maximov
This talk will go over adding an API and CLI for a new Compute Resource in Foreman.
We will start with a quick introduction to the Kubevirt Compute Resource.
Then, we will dive into the code needed for adding API endpoints and a Hammer plugin that uses the API to allow provisioning automation and management of a Compute Resource.
The main take away from the talk will be to see how easy it is to create API and CLI support for a new Compute Resource.