Creating reports based on Foreman data
2020-02-03, 16:25–16:50, B.2.015

Foreman is a well known infrastructure management swiss army knife. Recently it got a new reporting engine that can be used to gather interesting data about managed hosts. In this talk I'll show how to do that, discuss possible gotchas and explain best practices.

In this talk I'll demonstrate reporting engine capabilities. I'll explain what report template is and how it's supposed to be constructed. A demo will contain building a new report template from scratch. We'll discuss safe-mode limitations and look at ways how to overcome them. I'll share best practices for writing, managing and sharing report templates. At the end I'll spend some time on performance tweaking and debugging.

Marek works in RedHat mostly around Foreman project. He worked on puppet-based Foreman installer framework called Kafo, networking provisioning through Foreman templates, remote execution plugin allowing automation of tasks that do not fit into the configuration management. He introduced Chef integration to Foreman and co-maintained the Ansible integration. Recently he worked on reporting engine of Foreman.