Config Management Camp 2024 Ghent

Bryan Honof

Bryan's been interested in computing for as long as he can remember. Even studying electronic engineering, just to understand how a computer could add 2 numbers together on a transistor level.

Recently, he's been interested in the smaller details of operating systems. How they work, why they look they way they do, and why LISP machines never took off.

Please don't hesitate to approach him about anything tech, or music, related. But, be warned, he has a tendency to just keep on talking once he gets going.

The speaker's profile picture


Assumptions are killing my deployments
Bryan Honof

When software is installed on your OS, plenty of assumptions are made. That you have an up-to-date kernel that software X is already installed that library Y exists somewhere on your system, and so on. But, of course, these assumptions don't translate well between systems, even of the same kind. So, how can we deal with this?

Using NixOS to generate all kinds of images
Bryan Honof

Have you ever wondered if it'd be possible to generate different kinds of images with only one expression? One expression to generate a VM, Docker container, static binary, and more. Sounds good, right?
