Config Management Camp 2024 Ghent

Ansible Execution Environment Best Practices & Automation
2024-02-05, 16:45–17:35, B.1.017

In this session, you'll learn best practices regarding planning, building and populating your customized Execution Environments. The presentation includes a demonstration of automated builds of Ansible Execution Environments and why you should automate it in the first place.

By attending this session you'll understand the benefits of using Ansible Execution Environments, how they help you to automate your automation dependency management, make Ansible portable and can help you with everyday challenges like release management, security and product lifecycles. This session is suitable for everyone, regardless of prior knowledge, as it explains the technical backgrounds on which the best practices are based upon.

The best practices are categorized by: * Execution Environment specific Best Practices * Ansible Best Practices * Container Best Practices * Security Best Practices

Niklas Werker is Technical Lead Ansible at SVA Systemvertrieb Alexander GmbH in Germany.

Having a background in automotive engineering, Niklas shifted his focus to DevOps Engineering. His passion lies in automation, IaC, Linux, Hybrid Clouds, CI/CD and open-source software.