Config Management Camp 2024 Ghent

An opinionated-and-certainly-not-comprehensive overview of K8s-Operation-Tools
2024-02-06, 17:35–18:00, B.3.036

A talk about K8s tools, that make life easier.
Especially to target K8s beginners, but also to collect feedback from more advanced K8s users.

Let's be honest - Kubernetes is hard and confusing - especially for beginners.
However, the number of tools designed for K8 operations can be at least as confusing.
In this talk I want to shed light on some of my favourite tools I use to make my life easier:
bashprompt, kubens/kubectx, stern, kubectl + plugins or Openlens to name but a few.
For some tools I will also offer suggestions on how to use them more efficiently.
However I will very happily also collect your contributions and feedback points,
that might be useful for beginners and advanced people likewise.

Bernhard is Senior DevOps Engineer@sidion in Munich. He likes to built beautiful automated things using tools like Kubernetes, CI/CD, Cloud, Ansible, Python and Kafka. Whenever possible he also loves contributing back to the upstream community.
Furthemore he likes coffee, bowties and all kinds of geek stuff.