2024-02-07, 10:00–14:00, B.3.037
As part of the Foreman fringe event we want to provide a workshop for users new to Foreman at all or the content management provided by Katello.
The workshop will give an introduction to Foreman and an overview over its components. We will install Foreman with Katello using Forklift which requires Vagrant and Virtualbox or Libvirt or on a virtual machine running CentOS Stream 8 prepared by the attendee. Based on this installation we will create our own mirror for CentOS and Debian packages and introduce staging with a content lifecycle. We will talk about additional requirements for doing the same for Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Suse Linux Enterprise Server. To complete the topic we will have a look at how to use the mirror and the staged repositories during provisioning and to manage updates for the systems.
Additional topics will be based on the interest of the attendees and available time.
Dirk Götz is working as a Manager for NETWAYS, still being as Consultant and Trainer at customers.
As part of his daily work he writes concepts, implements, reviews and teaches Puppet, Ansible and Foreman in many different environments.
He created a training course based on Open Source Puppet for his employer and the official Foreman Training as corporate project of NETWAYS and the Foreman Project.