Config Management Camp 2024 Ghent

Creating Content for Ansible: What Is New and Ahead
2024-02-06, 14:50–15:40, B.1.015

Content is the lifeblood of automation. The more quality content you can generate that aligns with a broader automation project, the greater the benefits for you and your collaborators. Learn how Red Hat is investing in its Ansible automation development tools and user experience now and in the coming months and years.

Content is the lifeblood of automation. The more quality content you can generate that aligns with a broader automation project, the greater the benefits for you and your collaborators.

We see automation developers as domain experts with a variety of backgrounds and skills who create automation to offload repetitive tasks in a repeatable, consistent manner. Although they may not be traditional developers, they apply their specialized knowledge and experience through automation to enhance not only their own productivity and efficiency but also that of the community.

Learn how Red Hat is investing in its automation development tools and user experience. We'll also provide a brief overview of Ansible content and developer tools, such as ansible-lint, Molecule, and VS Code, which can be used today to develop automation content easily with best practices in mind. The talk will conclude with a look at the enhancements planned for the Ansible automation developer experience in the coming months and years.

Timothy Appnel is a Senior Product Manager on the Ansible team at Red Hat. Tim is an old-timer in the Ansible community with over 11 years of experience with Ansible as a contributor, customer, consultant, evangelist, and “jack of all trades.” The synchronize module in Ansible is all his fault.

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