CfgMgmtCamp 2025 Ghent

Alessandro Franceschi

Alessandro Franceschi has been working in IT since 1995 when he opened a Linux-based ISP in Italy.

Serial enterpreneur, he worked as webmaster, Linux trainer, network administrator, security expert, system administrator, web developer, infrastructure architect, consultant and trainer.

In 2007, he started using Puppet (version 0.21) while working as a sysadmin at the Bank of Italy.

That has been a first-sight love, which has been maintained over the years.

The speaker's profile picture


Puppet, what future?
Alessandro Franceschi

Puppet is a mature tool, the company behind it has changed over the years and most of the people who developed it, are no more working there.
For somebody Puppet is old, solving problems that are no more current.
Yet, Puppet is still around , and as long as there'll be systems to manage over time, there'll be the need of such a tool.
The question is if the tool of choice is going to be Puppet or not.
What's its present and future?
We will analyse the current Puppet situation, market demand and perception, and spend our two cents on what could be done to improve perception, usage and adoption.
We will also try to raise the topic with the people in the audience, when the presentation will turn into a discussion, possibly stirring ideas and suggestions.

Puppet 1 (B.1.015)