Justin Findlay
I manage config management at Cloudflare.

In this session we will explore the difference between single vs parallel queues as operational models for a salt master's MWorker pool. You can take from this discussion one more argument in favor of a single queue model (at least when humans are not involved), which yields a clear performance increase. We will also cover some jinja caching additions and how to disable an unneeded pillar render.
Yaml can be a good compromise between free form text and the rigidity of a markup language depending on the schema imposed. Jinja imitates python's strong, implicit typing but as a template imposed on yaml, it's both structureless and fundamentally at conflict with a whitespace-sensitive language such as yaml. Allowing users to dynamically assemble source data in production means they can't test before that point. Can we shift invariant parts of config left into CI while keeping CI fixed while production continues to grow?