CfgMgmtCamp 2025 Ghent

Containerizing Foreman deployments, take #42
2025-02-04, 16:50–17:40, Foreman (B.1.031)

I was asked to submit a Steve Ballmer style "Automation! Automation! Automation!" lightning talk, but that's really not my style.

So let's instead talk about containers!

Especially containers for Foreman.
Suiteable for running in production, with plugins and auxilary services like Candlepin and Pulp.
Running like normal system services with Podman and systemd or on your Kubernetes cluster.

We've had a Dockerfile in the main Foreman repository for over 5 years (May 2019), have been publishing it to Quay for a long time and I've heard people actually been using it. But it's not flexible (no plugins!), mainly aimed at developers and not well maintained overall (no CI until 2023!).

In this talk we will present the current iteration (luckily not actually #42!) of a possible design for running a production Foreman with plugins, bells and whistles in a container environment. We will also discuss what this (probably) means for future deployments on Foreman and upgrades of existing setups.

Slides with speaker notes (press S)

See also: Slides as PDF

Debian Developer, Red Hat Engineer, ♥ automation

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