CfgMgmtCamp 2025 Ghent

Upgrading custom applications from EL8 to EL9 by writing own Leapp actors
2025-02-03, 16:50–17:40, Foreman (B.1.031)

To upgrade the operating system underneath an application, everybody should just redeploy said application on a new system, which thanks to automation is both easy and fast.

After recovering from the shock of reading "just", "easy" and "fast" in once sentence, we have to realize that a fresh deployment is not always the easiest/fastest path forward, or maybe not even possible at all. This is where distributions come to help us by offering support for major upgrades "in place".

For Enterprise Linux such upgrades are done by Leapp, which is both a framework to orchestrate complex upgrades and a collection of helpers (so called actors) for upgrading Enterprise Linux setups with common applications installed.

However, "common applications" might not include the one you are developing and have deployed on-premises at many customers.

In this talk we will show how we developed the custom actors required for upgrading Foreman from EL8 to EL9, which challenges we faced and which shortcuts we took.

Slides with speaker notes (press S)

See also: Slides as PDF

Debian Developer, Red Hat Engineer, ♥ automation

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