Provisioning in ForemanImage basedNetwork based (PXE)cloudinit scriptSSH post provisioningTFTPGRUBHTTP(s)FirmwareBootloaderiPXE UEFI + scriptkernel initrdInstallerBIOSUEFIiPXEIPv6 supported from UEFI 2.3 errata DMake sure Router Advertisements are enabledDHCPv6: Has to reply with bootfile-url option (59)FactsRemote execuionIf multiple IPs exists, only one is reported by facter/ansibleIPv6 is also considered for DNS name resolve queriesDualstack: not tested yetCompute resourcesManaged DHCPProvisioning with Foremanin IPv6 networksShimon ShteinHelp neededQuestions?Built withSozi: main difference is that IPv6 - only interface can become provisioning interface
  1. Title
  2. Overview
  3. Image based
  4. Network based
  5. Facts
  6. REX
  7. Help Needed
  8. Questions