Jan Bundesmann
Jan Bundesmann works as an IT consultant at ATIX.
This "Linux & Open Source Company" concentrates on data center automization.
Jan is specialized on infrastructure automation and supports clients establishing their containerized workflows.
A passionate Linux user since the age of 15, automating as much as possible is one of his key drivers.
His first project was the administration of a scientific compute cluster with the usual collection of bash scripts.
From there, he eventually arrived at Puppet, Ansible and orcharhino / Foreman.
Among the miracles he worked is training Windows admins to use puppet and a German government agency to use docker.
Jan is currently living in Munich - a city most famous for its beer.
Although he is originally from there and was raised with the Munich Helles, he got to know a lot of other beer styles while travelling around the world.
So he started brewing his own beer - of course supperted by a lot of automation.

Who understands how to install CoreOS, can also install OpenShift 4. You can provision CoreOS-Hosts using Foreman. In this talk I explain the route and the obstacles with provisioning CoreOS and how to use this deploy an OpenShift cluster.