2023-02-06, 17:35–18:00, B.3.036
Initially, there was a call from users to improve our product’s user experience. In light of our ever-growing UX debt, we started working. Fortunately, we weren’t alone in our fight. Our continuous engagement with users and the entire community on multiple levels allowed us to overcome challenges as well as our (sometimes wild) assumptions. In this talk, we will take a look at the path we took and how even you can influence our next projects.
Maria is an interaction designer at Red Hat and a Lead Designer for Foreman and Satellite. She creates designs based on previous research and enjoys testing her assumptions with users. You can see her demoing her work occasionally in Foreman community demos at: https://www.youtube.com/@Foreman. In her free time, she teaches at Masaryk University in Brno and couches young women in the nonprofit organization Czechitas on how to change their career to IT.