2023-02-07, 17:35–18:00, B.1.015
Ever wondered how to automate "pulumi up" on a Cloud infrastructure?
This talk will walk you through it an automated pipeline with
* Pulumi (python code)
* Cloud Build
and will demo an infrastuctural build and a change to it.
pulumi #python #gcp #cloudbuild
Pulumi is a great way to manage your infrastructure.
Automating pulumi code with a repeatable pipeline is a need for many of us.
Article on medium: https://medium.com/google-cloud/setting-cloudbuild-with-pulumi-in-python-330e8b54b2cf
Former sysadmin, Ruby on Rails developer, and network admin. 10-years Googler, passionate about Reliability, Ops, SRE, DevOps, Maths, yellow, piano, triathlons, wordle, caipirinhas and Amarone.
As a Developer🥑Advocate for Google Cloud, I preach SRE, DevOps, the Google Way of doing things to our devoted customers.
Voice of Art of SLOs
Github: palladius | GitLab: @ricc2 | bitbucket: palladius