Ganesh B Nalawade
Ganesh works as Senior Principal Software Engineer for RedHat in the Ansible engineering team with a focus on Developer tools and Ansible content engineering. He has over 16 years of experience in Software desgin and development

Ansible ecosystem continues to grow and mature. Recent enhancements include Ansible Content Collections, automation execution environments, and an increasing list of integrations using plugins and modules. It is more important than ever that both new and experienced content creators have access to tools that help them write better content faster. This talk will cover how you can use the newly created Ansible developer tools like ansible-navigator, ansible-builder and VSCode Ansible extension to write and build automation content following good practices at a much faster speed.
Adding features like auto complete, go to definition, or documentation on hover for a language takes significant effort. Traditionally this work had to be repeated for each development tool, as each tool provides different APIs for implementing the same feature. So it meant for each IDE a separate implementation is required for a given language.
In comes language server protocol which was developed by Microsoft Visual Studio Code and standardised in collaboration with RedHat and Codenvy. LSP is an open, JSON-RPC based protocol for use between source code editors or IDEs and servers that provide programming-specific features. The goal of the protocol is to allow programming language support to be implemented and distributed independently of any given editor or IDE.
Thus a single language implementation can provide features for different IDE’s that understands language server protocol.
This talk will cover about what is LSP and how is is used to support Ansible language for different editors